Charfield Gardens

Charfield Gardens is a custom build site made up of six self-build plots located on a larger Barratt Homes development, the result of South Gloucestershire Council’s percentage policy.
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Key Points


  • It is important to have a policy-first approach for custom and self-build, as this sets the foundation for good practice., It’s especially effective when supported by a local authority team member with dedicated responsibilities. At South Gloucestershire Council everything is based on an effective, adopted planning policy PSP42, which helped meet the duties set out by the legislation and diversify its housing supply. 
  • Percentage policies require closely collaboration with the developer of the main site, as this process is often a new process to them. 
  • It’s important to establish a single point of contact with the main developer of the overall scheme for plot purchasers and the council to prevent any arising issues from becoming sticking points. This is a learning curve for both the council and the developer in terms of how to deliver percentage policy plots.
  • At a development management level, it’s crucial that the site is signed-off before any plots are handed over to purchasers to ensure that they comply with the criteria/conditions identified in the Plot Passport, such as the position of plot services. It is important to ensure that all planning conditions and S106 obligations have been signed off by the council before the plots are marketed and sold. 
  • Consideration of vehicular access for deliveries and the laydown and storage of deliveries should be factored in at the outline application stage. This should be included in the Design Code/Plot Passport to avoid conflicts when multiple plots are being constructed.
  • Phasing is another important consideration, especially if the plots are the last phase of development surrounded by finished roads and verges. Multiple deliveries and cranes can cause issues on a tight site. 
  • Plots need to account for a 1m perimeter around the building footprint, which is needed for adjacent scaffolding.
  • South Gloucestershire Council provides information on self and custom build plot opportunities to those on the self-build register. This offers a tangible benefit to those that have signed the register and demonstrates to local enablers/developers that the LPA is proactive.