St Minver, Cornwall

St Minver Community Land Trust (CLT) has brought on two successful phases of an affordable self build project, in an area where local people are priced out of the market. The CLT model means the homes will remain affordable in perpetuity, something that was important to the original legacy landowner.
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• Community/collective  • Mixed Homes 

Key Points

Key Learning Points

  • Local legacy landowners are frequently willing to sell land to a CLT for the development of affordable homes as they are persuaded by the CLT principles of providing affordable homes for local people and keeping the homes affordable in perpetuity.
  • An initial start-up grant from the former North Cornwall District Council was essential in helping the CLT to get established, including covering legal incorporation fees, and the interest free loan on the first phase. This enabled the CLT to sell the homes at a significantly reduced rate to local people. 
  • The simplicity of the design allowed residents with little or no experience in construction to work on their homes. Residents with no experience acted as labourers to more skilled residents, while families and friends helped out. 
  • The role of the CLH enabler hub – Cornwall CLT – was vital in providing technical advice to the CLT, including support with legal incorporation, and acting as a development agent on the scheme. 
  • Securing a partnership with a housing association is an effective way to move projects along. The CLT benefitted from the housing association’s access to capital grant from the former Homes and Communities Agency and to draw down a bridging loan, thereby avoiding having to apply themselves.