What we offer

The Right to Build Task Force provides advice and information to organisations including local authorities, landowners, land promoters and developers, to support the delivery of custom and self-build homes.

We provide a range of advice and support for free via our website.  We also offer direct support through consultancy or bespoke/detailed advice notes, which is chargeable.

The Task Force is funded by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government to provide an initial briefing/workshop with every English local authority at no charge. The free sessions aim to help councils understand and take action on self-build and custom build housing, in line with their statutory duties. 

Task Force Expert Enablers lead the workshops and seek to address key issues around policy, planning and delivery and provide a range of informative case studies.

Book a council workshop by emailing taskforce@righttobuild.org.uk


Online resources

This website hosts three types of content, all available for free upon registration:

  • Planning Guidance for Custom and Self-Build
  • Essential Advice Notes
  • Case Studies

The Planning Guidance for Custom and Self-Build is a suite of notes detailing good practice guidance, complementing existing legislation and regulations, the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and National Planning Policy Guidance (NPPG). The guidance is published by the Right to Build Task Force and is regularly updated to reflect emerging good practice and in response to any relevant changes in legislation, regulation, or policy.

The Essential Advice Notes are introductory guides covering important topics for the delivery of custom and self-build housing. Advice Notes are updated as appropriate and new ones are added as required. 

In addition, the Task Force holds detailed Advanced Advice Notes based on the same subjects as the Essential notes as well as research reports and data; see Direct Support for more information. 

Case Studies provide examples of practice for a variety of models and approaches. These set out emerging good practice and solutions, together with learning points to take away.

Direct support

For councils and other parties who need more targeted help, site-specific support, or advice on a particular issue, the Task Force offers direct consultancy services. 

Services will be tailored to an organisation’s particular needs and are undertaken by one or more of the Task Force expert panel. Our panel of experts and associates include qualified professionals with experience in planning, development delivery, urban design and a range of custom and self-build developments. 

Support is available at competitive rates, in line with our ambition to support custom and self-build delivery, and take place virtually where practical. 

To enquire about the consultancy service and rates email us, with information on your situation and needs. 

Find out more about Direct Support or email for support


Please note: The Task Force as an organisation can support Local Planning Authorities in evidence and support for local plan preparation, but does not provide adversarial support for planning appeals.